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        Scieline Reaches New Milestone: Now Compliant with NCC and Nutrition Claims Standards

        24th June, 2024

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        In the dynamic landscape of food and health regulations, understanding the intricacies of nutrient content claims (NCCs) and nutrition claims is of great importance for both consumers and producers. At Scieline, we recognize the importance of these claims and are delighted to announce that our innovative platform is now fully compliant with NCCs and nutrition claims standards set by esteemed regulatory bodies such as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Parliament and Council.

        Understanding Nutrient Content Claims and Nutrition Claims

        Nutrient content claims (NCCs) and nutrition claims are essential tools for communicating the nutritional attributes of food products to consumers. These claims, regulated by the FDA and the European Parliament, provide specific information about the levels of certain nutrients in food items and prepared products. For example, labels such as “low fat,” “high cholesterol,” or “high fiber” serve as crucial indicators of the nutritional properties of the items and help consumers make informed decisions by highlighting the presence or absence of particular components.

        Extensive Analysis for Precise Labeling

        Central to our platform is the ability to conduct comprehensive analyses of recipes and accurately calculate nutritional content. Through advanced algorithms and meticulous calculations, we ensure that every nutrient is correctly assessed. Subsequently, recipes are categorized into labels of ‘Low,’ ‘High,’ or ‘Source of,’ based on specific criteria and thresholds established by regulatory authorities.

        Empowering Businesses with Transparency

        Transparency is key to building consumer trust, and by adhering to regulatory standards and providing clear information regarding the nutritional properties of products, businesses can instill confidence in their customer base. When consumers know they can trust the labels and claims on the products they purchase, it creates a sense of reliability and loyalty toward the brand. Our platform equips companies with the tools they need to navigate complex regulatory frameworks seamlessly, ensuring that their products are informative and meet all required standards. This transparency not only complies with legal requirements but also demonstrates a company’s commitment to consumer well-being, further strengthening the relationship between the brand and its customers.

        Driving Informed Decision-Making

        We believe in the power of informed decision-making, and by equipping businesses with actionable insights into the nutritional profiles of their products, we empower consumers to make choices aligned with their dietary preferences and health goals. Whether it’s identifying products with beneficial nutritional properties or avoiding those with aversive ones, Scieline’s platform acts as a helpful guide in the world of nutrition.

        A Commitment to Excellence

        Achieving compliance with NCC and nutrition claims standards is a testament to Scieline’s unwavering commitment to innovation, transparency, and driving progress in the global marketplace. As a trusted partner to businesses across various industries, we remain dedicated to helping them navigate through complex regulations and provide quality products their customers will love.

        Join Us in Shaping the Future of Nutrition

        As we celebrate this milestone, we invite you to join us on our journey towards a healthier, more informed and transparent future. Together, we can leverage the power of technology to drive positive change in the food industry, one nutrient claim at a time. Experience the transformative capabilities of Scieline’s platform and discover how we can empower your business to thrive in an increasingly complex regulatory landscape.

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